I wasn't always a plotter.
For a long time, I was a pantser (And I absolutely abhor that term, by the way). I thought I knew what I was doing, but my stories ended up all over the place. A big, hot mess. And I was too stubborn to change my ways until I realized that plotting actually made my stories better.
HELL YES! I was onto something!
Another epiphany I've had of late is that, yes, I've had imposter syndrome. But I was in denial.
A psychologist would probably have a field day with that one.
But then I started editing again. Like, other peoples' work. And I realized I could get things done. So I did.
It's amazing what you can do when you actually believe you can do it.
And here I am, fifty-three days away from the release of a book that I started ten years ago. TEN YEARS.
I mean, a lot has happened in that time. I'm older, wiser, disabled, part machine...but also more confident and empowered. It's like everything I've ever worked toward is coming together all at once, and I'm so very proud of myself for doing it.
As for other updates...I've ordered a stack of fancy cards with the book cover for INTO THE FORGOTTEN FOREST on the front, and the book blurb with my website, Twitter, and Instagram links below it. Basically, large business cards. I'm pretty excited about them! And I'm thinking of offering to sign and send them out to folks for a couple bucks apiece. Just to cover print, envelope, and stamp costs. I figure it'd be a cute thing to do since print copies of the book won't be available yet, as Draft2Digital is still in its Beta stage for that.
What do you folks think? Would you want a signed card?